Green Energy:

Products, Vision Charcoal 2030, Youths Eco-Challenge


Kenya’s charcoal sector employs over a million people and supplies millions of tons of charcoal annually to low-income households, many earning less than 500 KES daily and spending 100 KES on charcoal for cooking. However, outdated and inefficient production methods result in massive deforestation, health risks, and climate damage, with 600 million trees lost yearly. Public outcry and government bans aim to transition households to LPG, but this risks livelihoods, particularly for single mothers in the sector.

Fusion Experience Kenya Limited (TFEKL) has developed an end-to-end solution to address these challenges:

  • Empowering the charcoal sector to distribute affordable LPG.
  • Promoting sustainable charcoal production using modern kilns with efficiencies of 35–70 tons per month.
  • Driving large-scale tree planting to replace trees used for charcoal production.

To meet annual demand of 3.1 million tons, 6,000 modern charcoal factories are needed, aligning with Kenya’s manifesto to modernize and decriminalize the charcoal sector while protecting jobs and the environment.

In answer to this call, The Fusion Experience Kenya Limited TFEKL, has Researched and Developed the Green Charcoal Solution in collaboration with KIRDI, to Modernise and Commercialise the Charcoal industry to achieve the following objectives: 

  • Deploying Modern Kilns with efficiency of 40% across charcoal producing counties producing twice the charcoal using half the amount of wood. 

Charcoal produced by Modern Kilns is cheaper than Goro Goro charcoal due to production efficiency and industrial economy of scale. 

  • To retail package Charcoal with KRA revenue stamp at point of production reduces 20% Charcoal dust waste & provides rural employment.
  • Developed a Green Charcoal Management and Licensing system which ensures 100% Taxation on Charcoal and empowers County administration 
  • To Plan and manage County Forest resources, ensuring a massive tree planting on an industrial scale to assist Govt to meet forest targets as per H.E the president mandate (1.5 B trees/yr).


The GCF is a Turn-key Factory providing all needed to produce Charcoal in a consistent manner after 1 week of training. This is similar to the Petrol Station model.

It consists of:

  • Modern 40% yield Kilns produce 20/30/50 tons/ Month.
  • Container based Charcoal Store / Office.
  • Charcoal is made in 8 hours cycles. 
  • Manual Forklift
  • Solar Power for Computer & Electrics.
  • Charcoal Packaging area.
  • Optional Charcoal bagging Machine.

Just like other factory-made goods, charcoal for domestic use must be retail packaged at point of production creating rural jobs. 

Charcoal for commercial use must be bulk packaged. 

The packaging prevents charcoal dust loss as high as 20%.

This is more than vat !.

The package must have a mandatory bar code KRA revenue stamp showing taxes paid.  

The stamp provides instant tracking the charcoal origin and mandatory trees planted.


Transitioning to formal factories and traceable packaging will eliminate endemic corruption of informal sector.

Green charcoal factories are normal ltd companies, connected to the cloud based management system.

The system transparently catalogs verifiable charcoal produced, trees cut and trees planted with kra etr interface to pay 100% taxes

Instead of these Youths waiting for Charcoal Customers, they could Bike affordable LPG + Green Charcoal & Earn More

Planting Trees on an Industrial Scale:

The new Charcoal production license process requires GCFS to show satellite evidence of the number of trees planted required to obtain the license. GCFS will be engaging own staff, Youths and Schools (Trees for fees) to plant the trees on an industrial scale 


The Fusion Experience Green Energy Division Joined forces with the Charcoal Sector to Produce and deliver to customers homes, retail packaged GREEN Charcoal (Charcoal produced sustainably) at no extra cost. Our Charcoal is sustainably produced using Modern Kilns combined with a massive tree planting program.

GREEN Promise: You buy 1 Green Packaged Charcoal bag, We plant 1 Tree.

Charcoal Bag

Green Charcoal

Price: £0
Stock Code: AP02

Youths Eco-Challenge

Under the program, Children across the country grow seedlings in their backyard which they deposit at collection centers for a nominal reward. Once the Children have done this, the challenge to Adults is to transport them to rural areas, mainly Schools for planting and Nurturing to full maturity .The Sponsa Hectare program motivates Corporate, Individuals, etc to fund the Seedlings logistics / transportation, planting and nurturing to maturity as detailed under Sponsa Hectare section.